Making a key Placing values between 0-255 ASCII into 16X16 default size block. The elements of the block are randomly mixed as desired and multiplied at will. The set of matrices will be the key for encoding. (KEY.MDT) Coding The user sets the number of matrix when creating the keys. Currently, this matrix should be between 100 and 10.000 (which can be increased in the source code indefinitely). The first character of the original file (clear-text) is coded by the ALGORYTHM in a way of designating a line and a column (which is demonstrated in the tag of the first video presentation) that is the location of the original file in the matrix of the intersection which designates a line and a column. The character at the intersection will be replaced by the selected row of the matrix first, then by a randomly selected row character then by the column character. The process of coding of the second original line at the second stage takes place in the same way and so forth; every character is coded in the next matrix. So, the coding process needs every matrix available in the key. When the procedure reaches the final matrix the process begins from the first matrix again. Encoding  The original (clear) character can be retrieved from the intersection determined by row and column. The procedure reiterates; the next character is being retrieved from the next matrix according to the driver. Development opportunities  The key matrix size can be flexible and may include so-called black holes. Password could be given to locate  those fields where encoding is not enabled. Linking matrices together the parameters that could be linked to each character could be dramatically increased. REF  =  Password  =  DCM  =  Dynamically Changing Matrices © m-soft 2013 Made with Xara Update: 2013.09.07